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benchtop water purifier
  • Distilled Water And Reverse Osmosis: What’s The Difference?

    September 16, 2021 4 min read

    Distilled Water And Reverse Osmosis

    We want clean and safe water. Throughout the years, our way of living has filled our bodies of water with pollutants. You’ve probably bumped with reverse osmosis systems and also water distillers. In this article, we’ll discuss the difference between distilled water and reverse osmosis.

    Both of these systems offer contaminant-free water, but they do it in very different ways. Both of these methods purify water, but which one is superior? Is it true that it makes a difference?

    Reverse Osmosis

    reverse osmosis filter system

    A semi-permeable membrane in reverse osmosis systems collects micro-contaminants, leaving behind cleaner water. According to the Centers for Disease Control, this purification procedure has a “very high effectiveness” rate in removing germs and viruses. It also filters pollutants like copper, lead, and chromium. Reverse osmosis is especially useful for people who live in locations that widely use pesticides and herbicides. These chemicals can contaminate the public water supply.

    Because this type of filtering is so efficient, it filters out both the good and the bad. Although reverse osmosis produces safe drinking water, it can also remove beneficial natural components and minerals found in tap water. Because there’s no way to tell what goes and what stays. In fact, it removes important electrolytes like calcium and magnesium during the process. People who drink reverse osmosis water may miss out on critical minerals they would otherwise get from their tap.

    Distillation Process

    Distillation Process

    The distillation process starts by heating water to a boiling temperature. It proceeds to collect the water vapor as it condenses, leaving pollutants, germs, and chemicals behind. Microorganisms, including viruses, are killed in this procedure. However, unlike reverse osmosis, there is no way of knowing what gets filtered out and what doesn’t.

    Water distillation eliminates oxygen and other trace minerals from water, altering the taste and providing fewer advantages. You may also limit a water distillation system’s production levels. You can do it by knowing how many gallons of purified water it can generate each day. It may not be the most sustainable choice for large businesses or high-traffic regions to satisfy the high demand.

    Difference Between Distilled Water And Reverse Osmosis


    When comparing reverse osmosis and distilled water, the most significant difference is in the technologies that create them. Because reverse osmosis water and distilled water appear and taste nearly identical, your choice will most likely be based on which purified water option you prefer.

    A distiller, for example, is typically less expensive than reverse osmosis systems. However, it might take up to 4 hours for these machines to generate a single batch of distilled water. It makes them a less convenient alternative, especially if you need clean water for your entire family.

    Reverse osmosis systems can cost up to twice as much as distilled water machines. But they provide rapid access to drinking water from your tap. Many of them include a remineralization filter, which improves the flavor and composition of the water.

    Health and Filtration

    The reverse osmosis and distillation water filtration methods are both beneficial to your health. You won’t need bottled water if you drink distilled or reverse osmosis water. It’s because you’ll have access to a clean, safe drinking water source right in your own home.

    Both systems give you less control over which contaminants filters out of the water. So the bad, the good, and the required are all filtered out.

    Keep in mind, though, that getting a lot of natural minerals from water isn’t necessary. You may receive far more calcium, magnesium, and beneficial salts like sodium at much higher levels in your diet than in any water source you’ll drink.

    Minerals contained in fruits and vegetables are considerably more beneficial to your body. So, if you’re worried that removing minerals from your drinking water will make a difference, make sure your diet is in order.

    Aside from minerals, RO membranes and distillation removes almost identical contaminants from various sources. It includes iron, natural elements, VOCs, chemical substances, copper, fluoride, and microbes.

    Cost and Maintenance

    When comparing reverse osmosis and distilled water, another element to consider is the cost and upkeep of each system. The more treated water that is required, the more expensive the system becomes. Both can cost thousands of dollars and, depending on how well you maintain it, may need replacement every few years.

    Both types of filtration systems require regular maintenance to maintain their integrity, which can be inconvenient and should be considered when selecting the best method for your business.

    When you compare the expenses of reverse osmosis versus distilled water solutions and assess the benefits and drawbacks of each system, you can make the best decision for your needs.

    Distilled Water

    Which Is Better?

    It’s only natural to ask which of these purified waters is a better option for you. In fact, most people are searching for better water sources to improve their health. While both technologies remove everything from the water, including vital minerals, reverse osmosis systems usually go one step further by reintroducing those minerals.

    Drinking mineral-free water won’t make you deficient, but cutting off a source of beneficial minerals from your diet should be done with prudence. If you opt to drink distilled water, make sure to consume sufficient mineral-rich veggies to avoid becoming deficient. Reverse osmosis water provides all of the benefits of totally filtered water while reintroducing beneficial minerals and adding flavor to the water, making it a superior choice for drinking.


    The difference between distilled water and reverse osmosis is based on different things. To summarize, both methods purify water. On the other hand, distillation requires a lot of energy because it entails catching the condensation of boiling water. On the other hand, reverse osmosis removes particles and contaminants from your water by forcing it through a succession of thin membranes.

    For most users, reverse osmosis is a far more realistic alternative because it generates more water more consistently. All you have to do is turn on your faucet to get the water.