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Why Do You Need A Whole House Water Filter With A Water Softener?

July 24, 2021 4 min read

Do I Need A Whole House Water Filter With A Water Softener?

You can remove any undesirable substances from your water by using a water filter. Dirt, sediment, sand, and other big particles fall into this category. Fluoride, sulfur, iron, pesticides, and chlorine may also be present. It will depend on the filter’s quality. It filters away a lot of the material you don’t want in your drinking water. Filters remove especially the big stuff that could otherwise harm your body or reverse the osmosis system. There are different types of filters for certain chemicals. The common confusion is, “do I need a whole house water filter with a water softener?”

Are a whole house filter and water softener the same?

Whole house filters and softeners both treat water, but they have different goals. Some systems incorporate both aims. But knowing those objectives is critical to understanding these “all-in-one” solutions and determining whether you need them.

What does a whole house water filtration method do?

The whole-house filtration system eliminates contaminants and toxins from the water. If you have a water softener but no filtering system, you will have removed the minerals from your water. However, you may still be drinking, cooking, and bathing in pollutants and chemicals such as:

  • Heavy metals
  • Bacteria
  • Chlorine by-products

A whole-house filtration system cleanses water at its source before it enters a home. That ensures that it treats the water regardless of which tap, showerhead, or another water source you’re utilizing.

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What does a water softener do?

The purpose of water softening equipment is to eliminate the minerals that make your water hard. It’s especially significant in cities with excessively hard water. Water softeners are essential “filters” because they remove undesired impurities. However, they serve a distinct purpose that necessitates their classification.

Water softeners use an ion swapping process to exchange calcium and manganese ions in your water with sodium ions. You can only accomplish true water softening in this manner. Water softening systems that do not use salt do not genuinely soften your water.

how to filter tap water for drinking

Does a water softener filter the water?

Given that water filters do not soften water, the answer to the question “does a water softener filter water?” may be obvious. ‘It’s a well-worn refrain: ‘That’s not what they’re designed to accomplish!'”

The sodium ion swap method works wonders for lowering mineral levels in your water. It doesn’t remove other impurities, like lead or chlorine.

What works better? A water softener or water filters?

A good water filter does more than remove calcium from your drinking water. We say this because drinking filtered water contains no dangerous chemicals like chloramines, chlorine, or toxic VOCs.

Chlorine, for example, is a popular chemical to eliminate pollutants from municipal water for over 80 years. However, a 1970s study discovered that chlorinated water produces trihalomethanes. It occurs when chlorine reacts with some naturally present organic substances, such as algae and vegetation.

Experts later discovered that drinking chlorinated water raises the risk of cancer. The majority of these negative impacts links to bathing in chlorinated water, according to the analysis.

More research and studies show the effects of chlorinated water on the human body. In this case, filters are approved equipment that removes chlorine from the water. Scientists believe it is a preferable option for avoiding the severe hazards connected with drinking chlorinated water at its most basic level.

Is Purified And Filtered Water The Same?

Do I need a whole house water filter with a water softener?

Do I need to have a whole-house water filter as well as a water softener? Isn’t it true that a whole house water filter filters all of the water in the house, including magnesium and calcium, the same minerals that make up hard water?

It all relies on the sort of whole-house water filter you purchase. If you look into obtaining a whole-house water filter that also functions as a water softener, it will remove both hard water and other undesirable substances.

The simple answer is that getting both a water softener and a whole house water filter is a smart option if you want a complete solution to practically all of your water problems.

Suppose you only buy a water softener, and your public water supply inspection reveals problems with bacteria, protozoa, and viruses. In that case, you’ll need to invest in a whole house water filter that removes those biological contaminants. It will work as an ion exchange water softeners aren’t very good at it. When in doubt, examine the CDC’s list of effective filters for specific chemicals.

What happens when I combine a whole house water filter and water softener?

A combination of water softening and whole-house filtration is the finest solution for high-quality water. Hard water minerals can reduce the efficacy of whole-house filtration and lower water quality. It will also affect the pipes. The cleanest, clearest water comes from a water softener with whole-house filtration.

Are there other alternatives to water softeners?

If you don’t want to buy a water softener but still need to remove scale from your water, a salt-free water conditioner is an option. It can be used as a substitute for a water softener and can assist you in making your home more ecologically friendly.

A salt-free water conditioner differs from a salt-based softener in that it does not chemically dematerialize water. It also does not add to the amount of chemical and salt waste in your surroundings. A salt-free water conditioner, for example, includes scale control media technology. It will naturally decrease abrasive buildup on pipes without the use of chemicals or salt.

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Do I need a whole house water filter with a water softener? If you want to consume and use the purest water possible, then yes. As mentioned earlier, the type of water you filter depends on what contaminants and chemicals you have in your water.

Water filters separate different contaminants based on what the filter material is designed to attract. A water softener is a classification of filters used to reduce or eliminate the effects of magnesium and calcium in hard water. Because you are likely to have various water issues, one solution may not be sufficient to address all of them. That’s the time you need to decide on getting a whole house filter with a water softener.

Check out Awesome Water Filters whole house water filters and water softeners in Australia. We only offer premium-made products that are guaranteed to last a long time.