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Why You Absolutely Need to Know How to Install Your Benchtop Water Purifier

June 14, 2024 5 min read

Access to clean and safe drinking water is crucial for maintaining good health and well-being. While many solutions exist, benchtop water purifiers stand out for their convenience, effectiveness, and ease of installation, especially in settings without the necessity for plumbing or electrical inputs. These units are particularly suitable for renters, office spaces, and any location where modifications are impractical.

Understanding Your Benchtop Alkaline Water Purifier

Understanding the specific benefits of each filter type in your benchtop water purifier can greatly enhance your appreciation and maintenance of the device. Each filter plays a unique role in improving the quality and safety of your drinking water.

Activated Carbon Filter Diagram
Activated Carbon Filter Diagram of the process of eliminating contaminants

Activated Carbon Filters

Activated carbon filters are a cornerstone in water purification technologies. Made from carbon-dense materials like coconut shells, these filters are exceptionally porous and have a vast surface area. This design allows them to effectively absorb and trap contaminants such as chlorine, pesticides, and industrial solvents that may be present in your tap water. Beyond purification, these filters are excellent for removing odors and improving the overall taste of the water. Their ability to remove chlorine and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) not only makes your water safer but also much more pleasant to drink.

How ceramic filtration works

How ceramic filtration works and what does it removes

Ceramic Filters

Ceramic filters offer a mechanical filtration process, where water passes through the small pores of the ceramic material, trapping pathogens, sediment, and even some bacteria and viruses. These filters are particularly beneficial in areas where microbiological safety is a concern. The microscopic pores are effective enough to block protozoa and bacteria from passing through, making the water safer for consumption. Moreover, ceramic filters are durable and can be cleaned and reused multiple times, which extends their lifespan and enhances their cost-effectiveness.

Mineral Stone

Raw photo of a Maifan or most popular tern "Mineral Stone"

Mineral Stones

The inclusion of mineral stones in water filtration brings an essential health benefit by reintroducing minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium back into the water. These minerals are vital for the human body and can be depleted during the filtration process. By re-mineralizing the water, mineral stones not only improve the health benefits but also enhance the taste of the water, making it fresher and more enjoyable. The presence of these minerals can also help balance the pH of the water, promoting a more alkaline environment, which is considered beneficial for health by neutralizing acidity in the body.

Combining the Three for Optimal Purification

When these three filter types work in conjunction, they provide a comprehensive solution that enhances both the safety and the quality of drinking water. Activated carbon removes chemicals and odors, ceramic filters provide a barrier against pathogens, and mineral stones restore essential minerals. This multi-stage approach ensures that you enjoy water that is not only safe and clean but also enriched and balanced – perfect for drinking and cooking.

By investing in a benchtop water purifier that incorporates all three filters, you are not just purchasing a product; you are investing in your health and well-being. With each glass of water, you are ensured of its purity, safety, and nutritional enhancement, making a benchtop purifier an essential appliance in any health-conscious household.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Your Benchtop Alkaline Water Purifier

Benchtop Water Purifier Label of Each Filter which consists of 8 stage Water and Ceramic Filter

Benchtop Water Purifier Label of Each Filter which consists of 8 stage Water and Ceramic Filter

Preparation and Tools Required

Setting up a benchtop water purifier is straightforward and doesn’t require any specialized tools, making it accessible to everyone, regardless of their DIY skills.

Installation Steps

  1. Initial Preparation: Start by reading through the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Though most models are similar, there could be specific steps unique to your model.
  2. Filter Preparation: Soak the new filters in clean water if required by the instructions. This helps activate the filters and clears out any loose material.
  3. Assemble the Purifier: Insert the filters into their designated sections within the purifier. Ensure all seals are tight to prevent any leakage between compartments.
  4. Water Addition: Fill the upper reservoir with water. The gravity will naturally pull the water through the filters into the lower chamber.
  5. First Use: Discard the first batch of filtered water to ensure any residues from manufacturing are removed. This primes the filters for regular use.
Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Understanding common pitfalls can significantly enhance your experience with benchtop purifiers:

  • Ignoring Filter Lifespan: Each filter has a certain lifespan, usually measured in months or the amount of water it can purify. Keep track and replace filters as needed to maintain optimal performance.
  • Improper Filter Installation: Ensure that each filter is correctly installed. An improperly fitted filter can lead to unfiltered water leaking into the purified water compartment.
  • Lack of Regular Cleaning: Regular maintenance of the purifier is crucial. Neglecting this can lead to buildup of impurities and affect the taste and safety of the water.

Setup Tips for Compact Spaces

Choosing the right place for your water purifier can be as important as the setup itself:

  • Stable Surface: Place your purifier on a stable, level surface to avoid any tilting or spilling.
  • Accessibility: Ensure that the purifier is easily accessible for refilling and maintenance but out of the way of high traffic areas to avoid bumps and knocks.

Maintenance and Cleaning

To keep your purifier in top working condition, regular maintenance is essential:

  • Cleaning the Reservoirs: Both the upper and lower reservoirs should be cleaned monthly with mild soap and water to prevent any hygiene issues.
  • Checking the Seals and Spigots: Over time, the seals and spigots can wear out or accumulate deposits. Check them regularly and clean or replace as necessary.
Diagram of how an 8 stage Water Filter

Diagram of how an 8 stage Water Filter removes harmful bacteria and contaminants from your tap water

Benefits of Using an 8-Stage Water Filtration System

While a benchtop purifier with multiple stages of filtration might seem overkill to some, the additional stages can significantly enhance the quality of water:

  • Improved Taste and Odor: Multiple stages ensure that a wider range of contaminants are removed, which greatly improves the taste and odor of the water.
  • Enhanced Health Benefits: Removing contaminants like lead, pesticides, and other chemicals is crucial for your health. Additional stages can target specific harmful elements more effectively.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to buying bottled water, a benchtop purifier is a one-time investment that will serve you for years, making it a cost-effective solution in the long run.


Installing and maintaining a benchtop water purifier is straightforward and provides numerous benefits. It's an ideal solution for anyone looking to improve their water quality without the need for complicated installations or permanent fixtures.

Embrace the simplicity and effectiveness of benchtop water purification. Invest in a purifier today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having consistently clean and healthy drinking water at your fingertips.